I worked with Fiona for 18 months and never managed to meet her in person...I wish it had been different. But there are so many other things I wished I could have done to make the most of her presence, had I only known. But we don't know what tomorrow holds, we don't know even know what the end of the day will challenge us with. What I do know, is that Fiona was worth having in your life, and for that I can consider myself lucky. Lucky I could see her every other week, lucky that she would diligently show up at meetings even if it was late at night for her, lucky that she cared about our work to listen and value everything that was said. I can think back to the answers she would give to my questions, what she was continuously trying to teach others and to the incredible memory she had for facts and figures relating to data even when it was several years old. Does that help? Maybe...but only for a minute, then we need to move forward to stop feeling the empty void she has left. To her family, I would like to send my love, a hug, a hope that at some point you will manage to find a way to smile when you think of her rather than crying. To everyone else who, like me, worked with her an invite to raise a glass, laugh a bit or send a thought up to the sky the next time you think of her.